
The all black is atrocious. If you paired that black jersey with the white pants it would look OK. Now, the red jersey with the black pants are pretty awesome. However, the weird "Bearcat" slash marks look stupid. Overall, not a bad look but they need major tweekage. And, the logo: while cool, does look an awful lot like a certain chicken eatery...
See? Too Arena Football League.
And guess what...?
Bearcats are real!!! (pssst...that's a link...)
Truly one of the best uniforms of the Big East. However, when they go blue on blue it just looks bad.
And, this is one of the best logos in all of college football.
Simple. Elegant. Classy.
Kudos, Uconn!
Not bad! Not bad a'tall.
Cool little logo.
Don't get the piping around the shoulders, though. And I have seen red pants paired with the red jersey. That's a bad look.
But, really not a bad look OVERALL.
AHH! There they are! (WAIT! DARK BLUE PANTS ON NC???... Not bad, actually...)
Not bad... Simple. Classy.
However, they did look better like this! (Dan didn't, though) No joke! I actually believe that! This is one of the few instances where something spelled out on a helmet is OK with me!
To this:
Major downgrade. They truly had one of the best uniforms in all of college football and then they gave it up for this crap. Thoroughly disappointed. And, those helmets?
I get the whole knight's helmet thing just looks bad. You can't see it in this pic but the helmets carry "battle damage", as does the shoulders on the jerseys. So dumb. Puke.
Where to begin?
First of all, toooooo many uniform combos. Makes my head spin.
None of them are bad, per se, but the gold lid and pants with green jersey is the best. I can't stand the "stripes" on the shoulders. Obviously, this is meant to represent bull horns. Lame. All in all not a bad look, though.
Now, that's a good look. Very traditional. I like.
They wore a slightly different look against USC this year. Still looks good. But one should never replace stripes with piping. Just saying.
Good look!
I don't hate this uniform. It's pretty traditional, aside from the odd...dashes?...down the sides of the britches, which I still don't hate, just don't "get." Looks pretty good, though. Original and somewhat classy.
Now, a vacant stare from one of Temple's most famous alums:
And, there you have the Big East.
(Note: Syracuse and Pitt will be exiting the Big East for the ACC next year. While losing those two, The Big East will pick up Boise State, Navy and San Diego State in football only. Temple will join fully, not just in football but all sports. While Central Florida, Houston, Memphis, and SMU will join on a full time basis.)
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