Sunday, September 9, 2012

First and 10

   So, if you're like me you have a passion for college football. You measure the year not from January to December, but from September to August. Your Summer days are spent eyeing the calendar, counting down to that first weekend of the season and pining for those cool Autumn Saturday evenings.
   Now, there are plenty of websites out there that are all about college football. You can get stats about rushing yards, passing yards and sacks. But, how many do you know that are all about the uniforms the teams wear? How many sites out there are devoted solely to what a young man suits up in to represent his university, state, or conference? The answer: no clue. Not many from what I can gather. That's what I'm going to attempt to do here: showcase the duds of college football.
   Now, in life, we all want to look good. We may not all be fashion experts but most of us brush our hair and press our clothes. We want to be presentable. That where I am coming from here. Presentation is EVERYTHING.
   In full disclosure, this little project was inspired by a website known as Uni Watch. I first discovered this site in 2006 while trying to find info on the upcoming college football season and to see if there were any changes coming up, uniform related. I still peek in from time to time (usually in the Summer). It's mainly written by a man named Paul Lukas and he does a really good job of showcasing and discussing uniforms from all sports. Now, his site leans heavily towards baseball because he's a big baseball fan. And, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not my cup of tea. Now, he doesn't ignore college football by any means, he's just not that big of a fan. Again, nothing wrong with that. But, I wanted to be able to put in my two cents.
   In the coming days and weeks I'll attempt to break down every Division 1-A (I loathe the term FBS) team's uniforms and logos, breaking it down by conference. I'll do it alphabetically starting with the ACC and ending with the independents. This may take awhile, but that's OK with me.
   To get started, allow me to let you in on the way I view uniforms in general:
  • Less is more. Simple is always better than gaudy. That's a no-brainer, right? One would think, anyway.
  • Logos or numbers on helmets are the icing on the cake. They should be somewhat iconic and somewhat subdued. They should NEVER spell out an entire word (i.e. Boise State or Aztecs) with MAYBE the exception of the word "State."
  • While I'm a patriotic man, camouflage should never be an option. (With the exception of the service academies, of course.)
    Now, in full disclosure, I'm a huge Alabama fan. With that being said I will TRY to not let biases get in the way of discussing uniforms. I'm a big believer in giving each their own. That's why I won't rank the uniforms, only critique them. So, stay tuned. The first installment will arrive shortly!

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